Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Scientific Tools in changing our life
Searching for excellence can lead to change, both in your lab and in the tools we design to improve your procedures. Over 17 years ago, we introduced the UniFit (universal-fitting pipet tip) concept, which soon became the biotech research lab standard. Today, we are continuing the tradition by introducing the next generation of UniFit pipet tips in premium packaging at unbeatable-value prices.
Molded from pliable polypropylene, these may be the straightest, clearest, and best-fitting pipet tips available. Since you need complete accuracy and consistent reproducibility, these tips ensure virtually Zero Fluid Retention. Premium MiniRacks and MiniStacks are so sturdy that you will never again have trouble mounting tips on your multi-channel pipettor. Versatile new DispenserPacks may be the very
best bulk packaging you've ever seen.
This next generation isn't only about better products or premium packaging. Sure, we have been using advanced technology and Class A diamond-polished molds to manufacture these products since 1984, and our new packaging designs are ingenious. But, it's our state-of-the-art, fully-automated molding plant that allows us to remain on the cutting edge. Thus you get more for your money. Put simply, in biotech research lab disposables, its your best value!
Astronomical Instruments:
The elegant rings and bands of an armillary sphere (below) symbolize the astronomy of the past. The armillary sphere takes its name from the Latin armilla, meaning a bracelet or metal ring. With the Earth located at the center, the rings trace out what an observer sees in the night sky without a telescope. The outer band, that supports the device, shows the observers horizon and the meridian. Inside these bands is a cagelike assembly of rings that rotate to display the durinal motion of the stars. The zodiac is represented by a broad band marked with the 12 signs.
Drawn onto the celestial sphere are imaginary shapes called constellations, Latin for `group of stars'. Constellations organize the stars into more easily identifiable groups, thus easier to remember. The exact origin of the constellations is lost, but 48 had been established by ancient Greek times which are called the Ptolemaic constellations after Ptolemy's star catalog in the Almagest. Constellations are often drawn in the shapes of mythical heros and creatures tracing a pattern of stars on the celestial sphere, recorded on a star map.
Because both Asian and European astronomers lived in the norther hemisphere, constellations were missing around the South Celestial Pole until expeditions to the New World. Shown below, astronomer Amerigo Vespucci maps the Southern Cross (Crux) in 1589.
The development of larger telescopes, like Herschel's first telescope shown below, allowed the discovery of many stars invisible to the naked eye.
Star Names:
Hipparchus also developed a simply method of identifying the stars in the sky by using a letter from the Greek alphabet combined with the constellation name.
The first need for astronomical observatories was time and calendar keeping. Ancient civilizations referenced astronomical events to mark the reigns of various kings. Civil calendars were derived from the lunar calendar sometime in the 3rd millennium B.C.
The Egyptians constructed the pyramids for tracking Sirius, the Dog Star, in the sky. When Sirius became visible above the horizon, then it was known that the Nile was going to flood, an important time to plant crops.
The job of early observatories was to map the sky, so the earliest astronomical instrument was the quadrant or sextant. Using these instruments, Hipparchus at Rhodes (150 B.C.) produced the first star catalog, measured precession and developed the magnitude system of stellar brightness. Islamic observatories at Damascus and Baghdad tested our first solar system models.
The first modern observatory was constructed in Denmark by Tycho Brahe in 1576.
Due to effects of the atmosphere, telescopes are typically located on mountain tops because
- they are dry sites (few clouds),
- high above the thick currents of air so the images are clear and steady and
- to allow more UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared) photons which are blocked by lower atmosphere.
For example, this orbiting IR telescope, launched in 1994:
Optical Telescopes:
The simplest telescope is two lens separated by a tube. Since the objective lens (the front lens) refracts the incoming light, this kind of instrument is called a refracting telescope.
The limitation on refracting telescopes is that glass is only a semi-solid and will deform with time. So very large lens will not stay round, plus they are extremely heavy. For these reasons, the largest refracting telescope is limited to 40 inches in diameter.
In order to build larger telescopes to gather more light to see fainter stars, most optical telescopes employ a reflecting telescope design invented by Newton. In this case, a large concave mirror reflects the incoming light into a focal point. Four different reflecting designs are used, depending on where the focal point is placed.
Radio Telescopes:
Radio telescopes gather radio waves from stellar objects. Since radio waves are reflected by metal, they are typical made of solid aluminum or steel mesh.
Radio telescopes can also use the phenomenon of interference to obtain high resolution. Many antennas, working together, measure the interference patterns from distant sources and combine them to produce highly detailed maps in the radio region of the spectrum. An example is the Very Large Array shown below.
Scientific Theories, Discoveries, News and Facts
Science and research are two words or concepts that so closely related that they are almost interchangeable with one another. Science can best be described as systematic gathering of knowledge of the world and its occurrences and phenomena through observation and experimentation. Research can be defined as a systematic approach to gather information and [...]
In the scientific world, experiments and various types of studies are used to compile a collection of data and results. According to the scientific method, the data obtained from experiments used to explain a hypothesis must able to be repeated in order to conclude any validity to the final claims or results. Furthermore, [...]
The study of science allows for amazing discoveries for occur everyday. The natural world is constantly changing, and therefore, new knowledge about our immediate environment is there to be gained. It is through forward progress in the fields of science and technology that scientist can explore the realms of possibility to gain new [...]
Science is will always be constant flux because it deals the nature of knowledge. Science encompasses such a vast amount of knowledge that the human mind can not possibly fathom. Furthermore, because science essentially deals with the changes of the natural, it is impossible to put any kind of quantifiable value to the [...]
Science facts can refer to findings and conclusions carried out by experiments to help validate a particular hypothesis. Because scientific findings are corrugated by extensive research, experiments, data, and a methodical approach and logic, it may be argued that those things that may be considered as scientific facts are the most true in the [...]
Engineer the tools of scientific discovery
In the century ahead, engineers will continue to be partners with scientists in the great quest for understanding many unanswered questions of nature.
In the popular mind, scientists and engineers have distinct job descriptions. Scientists explore, experiment, and discover; engineers create, design, and build.
But in truth, the distinction is blurry, and engineers participate in the scientific process of discovery in many ways. Grand experiments and missions of exploration always need engineering expertise to design the tools, instruments, and systems that make it possible to acquire new knowledge about the physical and biological worlds.In the century ahead, engineers will continue to be partners with scientists in the great quest for understanding many unanswered questions of nature.
How will engineering impact biological research?
Biologists are always seeking, for instance, better tools for imaging the body and the brain. Many mysteries also remain in the catalog of human genes involving exactly how genes work in processes of activation and inhibition. Scientists still have much to learn about the relationship of genes and disease, as well as the possible role of large sections of our DNA that seem to be junk with no function, leftover from evolution.To explore such realms, biologists will depend on engineering help — perhaps in the form of new kinds of microscopes, or new biochemical methods of probing the body’s cellular and molecular machinations. New mathematical and computing methods, incorporated into the emerging discipline of “systems biology,” may show the way to better treatments of disease and better understanding of healthy life. Perhaps even more intriguing, the bioengineering discipline known as “synthetic biology” may enable the design of entirely novel biological chemicals and systems that could prove useful in applications ranging from fuels to medicines to environmental cleanup and more.
Turning to the mysteries of our own minds, new methods for studying the brain should assist the study of memory, learning, emotions, and thought. In the process, mental disorders may be conquered and learning and thinking skills enhanced. Ultimately, such advances may lead to a credible answer to the deepest of human mysteries, the question of the origin and nature of consciousness itself.
How will engineering help
Priority environment and health risks
Priority risks: The human toll
Environmental factors are a root cause of a significant disease burden, particularly in developing countries. An estimated 25% of death and disease globally, and nearly 35% in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, is linked to environmental hazards. Some key areas of risk include the following:- Unsafe water, poor sanitation and hygiene kill an estimated 1.7 million people annually, particularly as a result of diarrhoeal disease.
- Indoor smoke from solid fuels kills an estimated 1.6 million people annually due to respiratory diseases.
- Malaria kills over 1.2 million people annually, mostly African children under the age of five. Poorly designed irrigation and water systems, inadequate housing, poor waste disposal and water storage, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, all may be contributing factors to the most common vector-borne diseases including malaria, dengue and leishmaniasis.
- Urban air pollution generated by vehicles, industries and energy production kills approximately 800 000 people annually.
- Unintentional acute poisonings kill 355 000 people globally each year. In developing countries, where two-thirds of these deaths occur, such poisonings are associated strongly with excessive exposure to, and inappropriate use of, toxic chemicals and pesticides present in occupational and/or domestic environments.
- Climate change impacts including more extreme weather events, changed patterns of disease and effects on agricultural production, are estimated to cause over 150 000 deaths annually.
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